Is a car necessary on Block Island?
A car is not a necessity, but you may find it much more convenient for a longer stay. The island is very walkable, however; most roads outside of town are dirt and there are no street lights.
Where can I catch a ride to the island?
Cars: The only way to bring a car to the island is by way of Pt. Judith Rhode Island – The Block Island Ferry a traditional ferry. Note that the High Speed boat is for passengers only. Reservations begin shortly after the New Year for the summer and it is important you make that call as soon as possible to get the day and the time you want. Check their website for scheduled times. Reservations must be made by phone at (401) 783-7996. Schedules and fares at
Planes: New England Air services a regular schedule from Westerly Rhode Island to Block Island Airport. It is a short 12 minute flight. You can check their website for times and call (401) 596-2460.
On Foot/Bike: There are ferries from Point Judith (401) 783-7996, Montauk (631) 668-5700, Newport (401) 783-7996, and New London (860) 444-4624. Note that most of these are seasonal and schedules change. Reservations are highly recommended on all but the Traditional Point Judith Ferry. Schedules and fares are posted on-line.
What’s to do?
Besides the beautiful beaches, there are activities all the time in the summer season. On your trip, pick up a Block Island Times. It comes out every Friday. This gives you all you need to know from tide charts to concerts, church schedules, dining information, Transfer Station Times (Trash & Recycle) and fun facts. You can also visit the Chamber of Commerce for information on-line.
Mopeds & Bikes: Aldo’s on Water Street (401) 741-2329
Linens: Block Island Linens: (401) 466-5604
For questions about a particular property, reach out to the home owner for specific information. They are always happy to assist you.